Thursday, February 26, 2009


what goin' on? today ya, i feel really weird..sense..just a feeling mbe? tired..ermm..
nda bez ndar rasa..dunno la..aahh..if got pantai..a place to release this sense of feeling..i might goin' but ermm..really hard. complicated..everything i did i feel not so great such i done b4..arggh..there a lot of work to do soo...but .im just avoid it really bad ahh..time waste anywhere..home? nothing tat i can sad me. poor la..hua3x. actually im not like dis at all, really hate i might change, empower myself?hmm..don't u all follow me ya,. just a bad news..huuu..:(
naa, stop mglh k, next topik plak, at the same day we(aku,sepin,rynne) p makan2 d kfc around 8.30pm mbe i forgot pren sepin..buat kecoh translet jaku cina..ahaha..merindang ati meh nyak..lelak tawa..aku tok nang,,ee kena gak pa ia madah taja dlm humor!
anyway Praise Lord! becoz i still strong..until now-today..i have good breathe,hepi ops..thankz God..

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