Tuesday, March 17, 2009


In Spring we are remindedof the magnificence of Your creation,
as the earth is covered in verdant green,
with splendid splashes of color,
and we witness birth everywhere,
of animals bearing their young,
of buds turning into leaves and flowersand our own moods being rebornwith renewed energy and life.

in Summer,
we rememberthe warmth of Your love for usand the light of Your goodness.
Both are everywhere for those who look.
Thank You for butterflies,
birds and wildlife for us to enjoy,
water to swim in,
and weather that frees us to romp and playwhile outdoor pleasures are at their peak.

In Fall,
we thank you for Your cooling breezes,
that bring relief from the relentless summer heat.
We see bright colors fading and dying,
leaves turning brown,
only to be reborn next year,
reminding us that every living thing,
including us,
must die in some way before being reborn.

as white snow blankets the ground,we are reminded of Your purity and Your perfection.
The complexity and beauty of each single snowflakeonly hints at Your transcendent intelligence and creativity.
We hunker down and snuggle in,knowing this season will wind downand Spring will reappear,
as it always hasbecause You created an orderly,
predictable universe,not by chance, but from your flawless design.
Thank You for the seasons,
and everything in them
that You created for our enjoyment.

By Joanna Fuchs

Delegasi To UKM

kenangan melencong d kl ari nyak ngau bala bakih..sekeda pica kami...ehehe.
ahaha..tusah jadi pelancong asing...kaban kami tok kke ngau km nykat kl tower...


hahaha....ngau cath n ema..

hmmm...lawa sida 3..

ermm...tengok la kat cermin tu...huhu~
ka skodeng lok..ekekek..
kala ka bc masa, jalai meh...hujung mggu suba jalai ke ukm kami sebuat, delegasi ngai nembiak swak din...wahh..km kin bc 28 iku + deriba bus, 2 iko jadi 30 iko meh trip km ke kin...ehehe..ka ngeregau ukm..2 ari jak din..tp bez gk laban lih jalai2 bai org..hehe..ermm..manah gak sida-tq for ur served..god bless.
14/3 pagi ari 6 km bai jalai ke cheras, gai rh ak yatim keno..tp lain jak..nyau flat tempat ke tunga km nyak...hehe..ukai la nyak ak yatim...huhu..ko km nyak ak mit bc apai indai la diau d flat nyak...ermm tahh meh...apakah kia tunga..whatever meh..janji seronok gak dah nyak berinteraksi ngau sida budak lbn sida ia sporting...km separated gai 4 group.haha..km group sunshine...kkikiki...stedi mai sida..plai ari cheras round sebelah ukm bai sida..hehe..wah besar, nsb kena bas jalai...ati nda lelak..myh bukit. mlm br bc delegasi km..erm..nda lama jak...pas ia ke putrajaya..yihuuu..hehehe. meda menua pak lah wai. asaika ba taj mahal ko leny..ahahah..pama mai indu tok..legi dek,haha. nehh nyau laun plai ke kampuss...jalai pasar malam...
15/3 huhu..semadi jak dani..ka jalai ke zoo negara..huh~aiya lama mai diak..ati nda ka ke mid valley tp dai jadi lbn nitih ke jaku pengarah projek, ka pan nda...hehe..nitih jak. ermm..kul 1 br plai ari nyak...lalu jalai sekitar kl bai org..adventure pia meh ia..gai kl tower km...yeahh. akhirnya dapt ku tawan sudah..ekeke..dah nya plai ke ukm,..plai usm 8.00pm kot mupuks...chow!

JAlaI-Jalai Sekitar KL..

hmm,,mantai ke gambar di kl din suba lebuh kami ke nemuai kin..hehe..lm dah nda update tok., dai masa..curi tulang lok tok..hehehe. ari nyak-last week kami bc ke kl ngau PERKASA mpu pgrm..delegasi ke ukm sebenarnya ia..ermm..br ia kuar jauh ari penang..nyak meh apa g kami..ambi peluang tok,ngau nuchi mata sambil nyukat menua kl..hehe..ehe. Nuchi mata ari bas jak..huhukk.

tok sekeda pica ke sempat diambi..hehe..

times square..
yeah..dah ku tawan dah tower tok..hehe.
view from kl tower..nahh..maju dah Malaysiaku.
ka atai dak ke kl tower..hehe
hard rock cafe..rock mai plbaku..

menara petronas wehh...photo
taken from bus..nda smpat ka ngelawa..