Wednesday, March 4, 2009

God's Word To The Nations.

When a large crowd had gathered and people had come to Jesus from every city, he used this story as an illustration: "A farmer went to plant his seeds. Some seeds were planted along the road, were trampled, and were devoured by birds. Others were planted on rocky soil. When the plants came up, they withered because they had no moisture. Others were planted among thornbushes. The thornbushes grew up with them and choked them. Others were planted on good ground. When they came up, they produced a hundred times as much as was planted..." His disciples asked him what this story meant. Jesus answered.... "This is what the story illustrates: The seed is God's word..."
--Luke 8:4-15

Our ministry... like the apostle Paul... My goal was to spread the Good News where the name of Christ was not known. I didn't want to build on a foundation which others had laid. As Scripture says,
"Those who were never told about him will see, and those who never heard will understand." --Romans 15:20-21
strongly believes that we need to be taking GOD'S WORD® to the people in our communities, our nation, and our world who do NOT know Jesus as their Savior!
As you know, the mission -- the Great Commission -- Jesus has given each of us is "Wherever you go, make disciples of all nations..." (Matthew 28:19, Mark 16:15). Unfortunately, "evangelism" ranks with "public speaking" as the greatest fear of men, women and young people. "Sharing" or "witnessing" our faith is nearly as frightening an event as making "evangelism calls." As such, it's hardly surprising that "evangelism" is the most neglected function -- and the #1 problem -- in the church today!
The #2 problem is the fact that most people -- believers or non-believers -- are not going to search for a Christian bookstore and make a special trip to purchase a Bible. (Less than 10% of Christians "shop" at Christian bookstores.)
So, if people in need are to receive GOD'S WORD®... somebody has to give it to them!
This biblical strategy (see Luke 8:4-15) for doing God's mission (as revealed in Luke 19:10) focuses upon identifying, involving, and encouraging people to give a copy of GOD'S WORD to a friend, associate, classmate, or stranger as part of their personal role in God's mission. In fact, this new strategy helps us visualize the mission Jesus gave us (as detailed in Matthew 28:19, Mark 16:15, Acts 1:7)!
The solution is quite simple, given the fact that nearly everyone can "plant seed" (as suggested above in the familiar story of "The Sower" in Luke 8:4-15). Men, women, and young people just need the right "seed" and a few clear, reasonable (i.e. "I can do that!") instructions on how to "plant" that seed in the course of their daily (i.e., "Wherever they go...") activities.
You can get "SEED PAKS" (complete with some "planting" tips) and... in the course of your daily activities... "plant" that seed into the lives of people who are in need, or who may not know Jesus as their Savior!
Just think, your participation in this Biblical "seed planting" initiative could be used by the Holy Spirit to create a real revival -- a real "harvest" -- in the lives of many people in your family, school, workplace, neighborhood, and community!

How to become a"Seed Planter" and change lives!
1. Pray!
From one end of the Bible to the other there's a record of those whose prayers have been answered... people who fervently prayed and God answered!
Pray for people who are lost -- people who do not know Jesus as their Savior (Romans 10:1, 1 Timothy 2:1-4)!
Click here to read more about "How to Pray" for people who do not know Jesus as their Savior.
Pray for yourself -- that the Holy Spirit will help you become a "Seed Planter!"
Pray for more workers (Matthew 9:35-38)!
2. Get Seed (i.e. the "seed" is God's word per Luke 8:11)!
Purchase special "seed pack" editions of GOD'S WORD®.
3. Plant Seed!
"I planted, and Apollos watered,but God made it grow."--1 Corinthians 3:6
Look for opportunities to "plant" GOD'S WORD® in the course of your daily (i.e., "wherever you go...") activities. Here are a few tips...
At the doctor's office (where there are a lot of people in need), "plant seed:" leave a copy of GOD'S WORD® of Encouragement in the waiting room.
At malls, grocery stores, or other public places... when you see a parent having a difficult time with his or her children, offer a copy of GOD'S WORD® of Encouragement.
While traveling through airports leave a copy (or copies) of GOD'S WORD® in the chapel, or a copy of GOD'S WORD® of Encouragement in the boarding area.
If a friend, co-worker, or client is having trouble in some area of their life, "plant seed:" offer them a copy of GOD'S WORD®: Real Hope with the words, "This has helped me, maybe it will help you, too."
When you see a fellow student that's despondent or struggling with an issue, "plant seed:" give them a copy of The Extreme Good News.