Saturday, February 28, 2009

Frienship Never End..

We Are Children of Light..What Is LIfe WithOut SpiCe..Spice Spice U..haha..

Friendship is like a flower,
it takes time to grow,
the root of it all,
is the frienship's soul
When the sun don't shine,
it may not look strong,
but the reason for bearing the rain,
is just another phase,for becoming strong again
It goes through its four seasons,
the 'spring' of a new friendship,
the 'summer' of love,
the 'autumn' of tears,
and the 'winter' of fears.
In the eye of the storm,
it is never that alone,
Through the support of the stem,
And the love beauty of its flowers,
Will still make it shine through its darkest hours.
Such rareness of a flower,
with quality of non-other,
must be strong,
To go through all hardships together,
And survive that long.

>friendship is really meaning-full to me..cos i luv all of my so special to me..friendly..i will not leave u alone..never forget u..anyway u all so gorgeous,(ya everyone)...naa, the poem above are dedicated to u all...Muahaha!<

Alahaiii...Belajar Keta..

ops atai baru..ari tok ku g seminar pencegah rasuah-apa aku dengar? ati jaku bah si leny haha..macam2 kawan ku sko nya ada2 jak benda nya ulih jaku(ngular tua ia)hehe..just for 1 hour..haha..and then belajar keta...buring mai gak..ati belajar parking ku ahh suh uncle pedis kaki gak nekan kelas...hahaha..anyway "P" wait for me!..arapka pass meh dah tok..hope so..hmm, arap lih abis sebedau habis bulan tiga tok..hehe. then after tat i p pm-pasar mlm ko kami..aiya it's raining..dai lih lama gak dia...ermm,,meli buntut manukss tua rin..hehe..naa kan...feberet nya,..hehe..meli jeruk gak nyum3x..hehe.dah ila smbg br...